MEDIA CONTACT: Cody Hefner (513) 608-5777,

辛辛那提博物馆中心的展览通过奥杜邦的艺术作品来庆祝历史和科学, Ruthven and current contemporary artists

A 200-year legacy of discovery immortalized on canvas

CINCINNATI – Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC)通过特别展览和传奇艺术家的笔触,庆祝网上赌搏网站十大排行来科学激发创造力. In the Audubon Tradition: Birds of a Feather displays original artwork from John James Audubon, 约翰一. Ruthven and today’s contemporary wildlife artists. 的 artwork, 还有科学标本,历史文物和文献, help tell CMC’s story spanning two centuries. 当代艺术作品展示了奥杜邦和鲁斯温如何继续激励下一代野生动物艺术家. In the Audubon Tradition: Birds of a Feather opens September 13.

这次展览和CMC的故事一样,从该机构的第一位员工奥杜邦开始. 1819年,奥杜邦接受了西部博物馆协会标本剥制师和背景画家的职位, a move necessitated by Audubon’s bankruptcy. Along with original artwork by Audubon, 他原来的四卷双大象开本 Birds of America and one volume of 的 Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, on loan from the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County,将成为奥杜邦画廊的核心展品. 的 Cincinnati Art Museum 借了一幅奥杜邦的达盖尔照相法肖像来展示, 据信是这位艺术家仅存的照片.

奥杜邦在西部博物馆工作近100年后,一位年轻的约翰·a. 鲁斯文向博物馆捐赠了他的第一件物品——一件蜂鸟标本. Audubon was an inspiration to Ruthven, 谁分享了这位19世纪艺术家对自然的热爱和对现实主义的严格奉献. Over the decades that followed, Ruthven would find his own fame as a wildlife artist, painting for presidents, 世界领导人和美国伟大的英雄之一——尼尔·阿姆斯特朗. 奥杜邦和鲁斯文画的稀有鸟类的例子, such as the now-extinct Great Auk, will also be on display, a dynamic blend of science and history.

“两个多世纪以来,奥杜邦和鲁斯温对辛辛那提博物馆中心的影响都是显著的,” says Elizabeth Pierce, president and CEO of Cincinnati Museum Center. “很荣幸能够庆祝两位传奇艺术家的遗产,他们激发了几代人对自然和科学发现的热爱.”

奥杜邦和鲁斯温对下一代野生动物艺术家的影响在当代艺术展区展出, supported by the Susan Kathleen Black Foundation. 由81位北美顶级野生动物艺术家创作的250件新作品包括传统的帆布画和水彩画, miniatures the size of postcards, 真人大小的青铜雕塑和混合中等作品,如雕刻成羽毛的场景. 当代艺术作品可供出售,部分收益将用于支持CMC收藏的护理和保护.

“这个里程碑式的展览庆祝了奥杜邦和鲁斯文对辛辛那提博物馆中心的贡献, one of the oldest science institutions in North America,” says DeVere Burt, 辛辛那提自然历史博物馆的名誉馆长兼客座馆长 In the Audubon Tradition. 鲁斯文与辛辛那提博物馆中心84年的合作,展示了他的主要作品和纪念品,从他的生活和非凡的职业生涯. 还有当代艺术和奥杜邦的惊人成就《美国鸟类, 这是天才和创造力的非凡组合, inspired by nature and forever tied to Cincinnati.”

In the Audubon Tradition: Birds of a Feather 2019年9月13日开幕,将持续到2020年1月5日. 该展览对CMC会员免费,或包含在博物馆普通门票中. For more information visit

CMC感谢以下个人和机构借展物品和艺术品. Brunner; Cincinnati Art Museum; Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden; Mrs. William A. Friendlander; Mrs. 菲利普·阿. Geier, Jr.; David Hausrath; Northern Kentucky University; Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County; Queen City Club; 约翰一. Ruthven; University Club; and Jeffrey S. Waddell.

An evening honoring 约翰一. 鲁斯温将于2019年9月12日星期四为这位传奇艺术家举行庆祝活动. Co-chaired by Ricki Ruthven, Shannon Carter and Louise Head, the evening will include an exhibition opening for In the Audubon Tradition: Birds of a Feather and the inaugural ceremony presenting the 约翰一. Ruthven Medal of Distinction. 网上赌搏网站十大排行 for tickets and table pricing.

CMC is grateful for the support of Mark and Wendy Armstrong; Bill and Kathy Bahl; Phyllis R. Brower; Anne and William Burleigh Fund of 的 Greater Cincinnati Foundation; DeVere and Pat Burt; Lee and Shannon Carter; the Castellini Foundation; Edward Castleberry; the Helen G., Henry F. & Louise Tuechter Dornette Foundation, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee; Anne G. & Robert W. Dorsey Family Foundation; Mrs. Charles M. Drackett, Sr.; the Thomas J. Emery Memorial; the Farmer Family Foundation; Kay Copelin French; Naomi and Bob Gerwin; Priscilla Haffner; Louise Head; the Heidt Family Foundation; the Helms Foundation, Leonard A. Weakley, Jr., Trustee; the Austin E. Knowlton Foundation; Stephen Lee; 的 Kroger Company; Landor Associates; Whitney and Phillip Long; the Portman Family; Ricki Ruthven and Steve Halpern; the Harold C. Schott Foundation, Tom and Francie Hiltz, Trustees; Irwin and Melinda Simon; Taft Law; Anne Drackett Thomas; Western & Southern Financial Group; and Ronald W. and Suzanne P. Zesch for making In the Audubon Tradition: Birds of a Feather, an evening with 约翰一. Ruthven, the 约翰一. Ruthven Medal of Distinction and the upcoming 约翰一. Ruthven Edge of Appalachia Gallery 可能的.


关于 Cincinnati Museum Center
辛辛那提博物馆中心(CMC)在联合航站楼是一个国家认可的机构和国家历史地标. Dedicated to sparking community dialogue, insight and inspiration, 2009年被美国博物馆与图书馆协会授予国家博物馆与图书馆服务奖章,2012年获得美国博物馆联盟认证. CMC是全国少数几个同时拥有这两项荣誉的博物馆之一, making it a unique asset and a vital community resource. 联合航站楼被美国建筑师协会评为美国第45座最重要的建筑. CMC内的组织包括辛辛那提历史博物馆, Duke Energy Children's Museum, Museum of Natural History & 科学, 罗伯特D. 林德纳家庭OMNIMAX®剧院和辛辛那提历史图书馆 & 档案. 被福布斯旅行者杂志评为全国第17大参观人数最多的博物馆, CMC welcomes more than one million visitors annually. For more information, visit